I’ve to say sorry for having not update my blog for quite a long time.  After my long trip from Canada and Seattle, I’m back with better health (I hope so :P) and some goodies (again!). Well, there’re too just many …. so I pick some special stuff to share here:

沒有更新我的blog好久了, 如果你有時時看的話, 真的不好意思啊。我在加國和美國渡過了一個悠閒的假期, 那邊空氣比香港好百倍, 我想我也會變得健康點吧…哈。

一如以往, 出門少不了搜購一些好東西回家。今次旅程時間長, 自然買多了點, 在此精選一些和大家分享:

I ordered diasatic malt powder from King Arthur online shop. In order to make good use of the fixed delivery fee, I bought some other types of flour as well. Hope I will have time to use them for bread and show you here.

Diasatic malt powder是我從King Arthur 郵購到加國的, 為了好好利用定額運費, 我還買了幾種不同的麵粉等, 日後用它們做了麵包再和大家介紹。

I’m so regret for not buying the mini loaf pan of Emile Henry in Boston. After that, I tried to find it in SFO this year, however, I failed again in this Seattle trip….Anyway, I met the mini pie pan of the same style. (though this is not the brown color I want..)

我兩年前在Boston遇到Emile Henry的mini loaf pan, 可能當時太趕, 沒有想清楚便沒買。後來在internet上又見到它, 一直念念不忘…直到今年去SFO公作時, 再找已找不到了。難得又有機會到Seattle短暫旅遊3天, 結果也是沒遇上…唉。

圖中綠色的是同系列的mini pie pan, 買了它就當安慰一下我失望的心吧…(可恨又沒有想要的啡色 @@)

The pretty butter knife is made in Poland. It is one of the very limited affordable/low price items in the shop which is famous in Seattle.

mini pie pan上的人手製牛油刀是波蘭出品, 那家店挺有名氣, 因為店中件件精品全是手工製作, 全都很美(但都很貴)。這小小的刀子要十多二十美元,牛油碟好像是三四百港幣,由於最近銀根短缺, 雖然我還看上了大半店子的東西, 最後也只買了一件回家..

Rose jelly from Victoria. 在Victoria 酒莊買的Rose jelly, 打算用來配烤雞。

Discounted Herbs in cuite jar and sharp steak knives (made in France and cost CAD20 only!), bought in a department store. 在百貨公司買的平宜貨, 香草的兜太可愛了, 吃光也可當擺設.法國製牛排刀只要20加元, 好用得不得了, 真是超值!

Fillet knife at 50% off! I hope I will use it to make some beutiful fish fillet 😛 至於半價的fillet knife, 希望我日後可以用它起出漂亮的魚柳~